Sunday, May 26, 2013


I'm currently at the biggest EDM event. I'm at electric daisy carnival! I've learned so much but got to keep dancing to the music. Will update blog on Tuesday about EDC.

I never got around to the Tuesday blog update because of some family problems back home, but I will update the blog now.

I went to EDC expecting the worse. A three day long festival. I did not know if my body was going to be able to take a toll this big, right before finals.

Arriving at EDC I felt like I was at a county fair. A huge county fair, for adults. There were amusement rides everywhere. People walking around everywhere. Holding hands, laughing, smiling, dancing.

As hours progressed, peoples moods started changing. Some for the best, some for the worst. Some people kept dancing while others, laid on the floor, passed out, throwing up. Some people were lost, could not find their friends, while others were making friends by trading their Kandi. (Beads that signify friendship)

Day 2 was really fun. I experienced EDC/EDM to its fullest potential. My experienced was enhanced by this pill. This small pill changed everything around me. I could feel the bass underneath by skin. I was happy. All my troubles that I had back home...were gone. It was a new me. Words cannot fully describe how I felt. I felt one with the earth/music. I felt like I was friends with everyone. It was almost like music had..a taste. Like music tasted good.

Day 3 was exhausting. I tried to make the best out of it, but could not. I felt depressed. I was coming off my pill. It was bringing me down. Why would people do this? Why would someone want to feel great one moment and completely shitty the next?

Would I go to a festival of this magnitude again?
Yes! But not all 3 days.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Journal 7: PLUR/Porter Robinson Interview

                                       UNDERSTANDING RESPONSIBILITY


Peace - To be in the same place as another, to exist similtaniously without conflict or adverse effects/reactions.

Love - To unconditionally feel great affection for a fellow being, and offer friendship regaurdless of race, sex, or creed.

Unity - To come together and defend common interests and give a sense of well being among those who feel unaccepted, to allow any and all to be a part of you and your friends.

Respect To allow yourself to be who you are without expectations, and allow others to do the same while helping each other, giving those around you the pride, courage, and honor you would yourself.

Before PLUR became the acronym to describe this culture LPE was used. LPE = LOVE PEACE ECSTASY which was then changed because of drug reference.


I experienced PLUR. I received Kandi from someone for the first time. This person was dressed like a bunny. She was wearing bunny ears, a white bra, white fuzzy boots, and had body paint all over her body. It was an amazing experience. I felt welcomed to the community. 


When my friend told me that I could interview Porter Robinson, I had no clue what I was going to ask him. I was super excited to be able to meet him and be able to ask him a couple of questions about the EDM culture. She told me I only had about 2/3 minutes to talk to him so I tried to get them most out of it.

What got you interested in Electronic Dance Music?

Video games got me into EDM. DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) to be specific. After playing DDR I went out and bought an album, and since then I tried making my own music similar to it, and now I'm here performing at SunGod.

What inspires you to write music and what program do you use to write it?

My fans inspire me to write music. I love being able to go out to a show and give my fans a new music and see their positive feedback. It motivates me to continue writing and as to the software I use, I use FL Studio.

What EDM artists inspire you the most?

Skrillex, Tiesto, DeadMau5. They are simply amazing. Everything they do, they do it to their best of their ability and it shows. They truly have amazing work.

How do you become an insider to the EDM culture?

Honestly just being around the music and the people that love it makes you an insider. You don't have to be a DJ or producer to be part of the culture. If you can appreciate what you hear and can really absorb it and enjoy it, you've become part of the EDM scene. We are all about loving each other and helping each other out.

I unfortunately ran out of time and wasn't able to ask him anymore questions. What are some questions that you guys think I should have asked him? I wanted to ask him more about the culture, but wanted to see how he became part of it.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Journal 6: Armin, becoming part of the culture? PLUR.

Armin Van Buuren was amazing! When I walked into RIMAC I did not know what to expect. I arrived to the event right before Armin (the main headliner) went on stage to perform. I tried to get as close to the front of the stage as I could, but could not stand being surrounded by so many people that were touching each other and dancing like the world revolved around them. I quickly went up to the bleachers portion of the stadium and was seeing the performances from above.

I was observing all these strange things occuring. People with gloves that had lights at their fingertips were waving their hands in front of people that were just sitting completely still in front of them. I went up to one of the guys that was wearing these gloves and I asked what he was doing. He said he was giving someone a light show. I asked him what that was and he pretty much told me that when a person in really into the zone (taken "e") they enjoy these lights in front of them. I asked if i could watch him do one and he said yes. I watched as he performed one of these light shows to a stranger at the venue and saw that this person was really into this light show*.

Another thing I noticed is that people were wearing tons and tons of colorful bracelets made of beads. I saw people exchanging beads with each other and doing something with their hands before exchanging beads. I observed and observed all night and then this girl came up to me and asked if it was my first time at an event like this. I told her yes and then she told me about PLUR. PLUR** stands for Peace Love Unity and Respect and is known as the Mantra of Electronic Dance Music. She made me do this hand sign things with her and then gave me one of her bracelets. Was I now being invited to become part of the culture? I began to feel welcomed.

UPDATE: TRANCE. After going to EDC I feel like I could honestly say that Trance music is my favorite subgenre of EDM. The words, the rhythm. Everything about trance is more soothing than that of brostep, or dubstep, or hardcore electro. Do I like trance better than dubstep because it was what I was first exposed to? 

*Going to be looking more into light shows because it seems that this is a big part of the culture.
**PLUR seems to be the welcoming into the culture. Definitely going to look into this.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Journal 5: Armin Van Buuren

This Tuesday I will be experiencing my first ever EDM event. I am excited to see what the big hype is all about. My first EDM event and its going to be with the number one DJ in the world Armin Van Buuren! I am beyond stoked about this. A lot of my friends are pressuring me that I should experience this event to its full potential but I do not know if I am ready to do that yet...We'll see what happens once Tuesday comes around. I plan on updating this blog on Wednesday with my experiences seeing Armin Van Buuren.

Any EDM fans in the class? What should I do to make my experience better?