Sunday, April 14, 2013

Final Project Decision

     After giving it thought and researching about EDM I know that this is a topic that I want to continue researching. When I first began to think of potential musical genres that are "big" in San Diego to research, EDM was something that one of my friends said I should look into. After looking into EDM a bit and seeing all the different emotions it brings out of people I was sold that this was a genre that I wanted to learn more about.
     Im not a very big fan of EDM which is why I am excited to research why people love it so much and where it originated and how it has changed since then. I will be attending 2 EDM concerts (both being held at UCSD) and will hopefully be interviewing a few people at the event that I completely don't know, and some of my friends that are EDM junkies to get as much information from them as possible.
     My friend Andrea Hseuh is running the SunGod Festival this year, and I asked her if there was a way that I could talk to some of the performers and she is still trying to get back to me on that. If possible, I would like to get a Video interview with these DJ's to talk about EDM and how they have seen it change from their perspective.
     Currently most of my research has been done online. Some of the things I have found are below.

EDM History:

EDM Blogs/New Music

Open Blog Forums

The Video that made me want to research EDM

1 comment:

  1. cool. I'll be interested to hear how you go about it and what you find out. Hey, on your blog, when you link to things, say why you are linking to them—like what they say, or what you hope to get from them, or what you think about them. Also, put actually links in, not just addresses—and if it is a video and embedable, embed it. Easy to do, there are little buttons at the top above where you are putting in the post that are for adding a link or embedding a video or an image and so on.
